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Celkem záznamů: 196611
Třetí ročník Oslav Prahy byl zahájen
2.7.2011 — Náměstek primátora hlavního města Prahy Ivan Kabický a arcibiskup pražský Dominik Duka dnes večer oficiálně zahájili třetí ročník Oslav Prahy - na jejich pokyn se rozezněly pražské zvony. Letošní ročník přinese opět programy z oboru hudby, divadla, historie, umění i vědy a představí tak v prvních dvou červencových dnech bohatství našeho hlavního města i celé České republiky. Záštitu nad Oslavami Prahy 2011 převzal pražský primátor Bohuslav Svoboda.
Collection of Pablo Picasso's etchings that are exhibited for the first time in the Czech Republic
6.1.2019 — The extensive graphic collection Passion and Guilt by the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso are on exhibit in Museum Kampa until the 15th of January 2019. The works, which were created in the 1930s, are on loan from the renowned Museo Reina Sofía (Queen Sofía Museum) in Madrid, Spain. They can be seen in the Czech Republic for the first time ever. The cycle is a collection of one hundred works that the artist compared to a diary, reflecting on his extraordinary life story.
Photographer Jindřich Štreit exhibits in the National Museum of Agriculture in Prague
29.12.2019 — If you come to the National Museum of Agriculture in Prague before the 1st of August 2020, you will be able to admire a photo exhibition called 'Jindřich Štreit and Cycles'. Jindřich Štreit is a world-renowned Czech photographer and according to him, agriculture is his life theme.
The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree
12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.
The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree
12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.
11.4.2009 — Designblok - každoroční týdenní přehlídka novinek světového designu
Výstava připomínající 65. výročí svržení atomové bomby na Hirošimu a Nagasaki
18.8.2010 — pozvánka na výstavu